UI-Patterns.com is the work of Anders Toxboe – a Danish web developer seeking to categorize what has before seemed like ad hoc approaches to developing web applications.
By not only listing different ways of solving common design problems, but also rationalizing about how, when, and why such solutions should be used, it is the goal to create a tool that will help end feature debates, get a clear understanding of why we’re doing what we’re doing, and why we’re not doing what we’re not doing.
UI-Patterns.com is an attempt to over time create a library of such solutions to common problems. It is a personal project, but is extremely open to contributions.
User Interface Design Patterns
It has long been common practice in software design to use libraries of recurring solutions to solve common problemsin software design. Such solutions are also called design patterns as described Christopher Alexander for real-life architecture. Personally, it was programming design patterns in now legendary books that inspired me to start looking for design patterns in user interface design.
Collections of software design patterns are standard reference points for the experienced programmer. But why not for the experienced User Interface (UI) designer? This website seeks to better the situation for the UI designer, who struggles with the same problems as many other UI designers have struggled with before him.
Although established in 2007, UI-Patterns.com was not the first to create a UI design library. Back then, the now half-dead Yahoo! Design Pattern Library was the talk of the town. While very useful, it was far from complete. The original purpose of UI-Patterns was to fill some of the gaps.
In 2015, Persuasive design patterns were added to the site.
The UI-Patterns.com brand and content is owned and operated by Learning Loop ApS (VAT: DK-38497901). Our physical products sold through shop.learningloop.io is produced and sold by Learning Loop ApS. The company is fully owned by Anders Toxboe Holding ApS (VAT: DK-38465678).
Get in touch!
If you have ideas on how UI-Patterns.com can be improved, want to contribute, want to write hatemail or praisemail, then you’re more than welcome to write to anders (at) learningloop (dot) io.
UI-Patterns.com by Anders Toxboe is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Denmark License.
I would like to acknowledge all of you for time and time again suggesting corrections and additions to patterns. I would especially like to thank Nicholas Hobson for reading and editing through all UI Patterns in 2015, fixing my bad grammar, spelling mistakes, and polishing up everything.
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