21 of 36 Wizard examples collected by Marcy Kellar
Wizard at Planner at Builtbybuffalo
- planner.builtbybuffalo.com (source)
- Browsing Wizard collection by Marcy Kellar
- Categorized under form
- Added to collection by Marcy Kellar
- First added to the Steps Left collection
- Added on 2010-01-27
More Wizard screenshots
From popscreen.com
From designcollectors.com
From uo.com.au
From toysrus.com
From flickr.com
From ikea.com
From popscreen.com
1 comment
on Oct 07, 2011
I like this set up, however… I would look to see if there might be ways you could reduce the steps it takes to complete the process. It would be better for the user to fill out more fields on each page than just a couple forms with increased click/load time.
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